Join us at a two day Utility Fair Event, March 6 and March 9! Assistance with electric, gas and water applications. Plus, LIHEAP, workshops and refreshments:)

Join us at a two day Utility Fair Event, March 6 and March 9! Assistance with electric, gas and water applications. Plus, LIHEAP, workshops and refreshments:)
John Rowe our Executive Director was interviewed on NBC Philadelphia on the impact that the Champions in Action Award from Citizens Bank awarded us in 2015.
Thanks so much to the Bragin Family for the donations of hats, gloves, scarfs and socks. You will help keep our participants warm during this cold season.
More UESF hats spotted at PA Careerlink North. UESF educates participants through our weekly workshops. #WhatIsUESF
Today our Housing Specialist took Mr. Lipatore, a Veteran who was recently housed through our organization to the furniture bank. With our help he was able to pick out some furniture and get a brand new bed. He is looking forward to getting a good night sleep tonight in his new home.
You might start seeing these UESF hats all over Philly and wonder What is UESF?
Just imagine your car breaks down. You have a choice to get your car fixed or pay your electric bill. You choose to get your car fixed since you need it to get to work. A few months go by and your still behind on your electric bill and you receive a shut off notice. So what do you do?
UESF can help pay your utility bill and get you back on track but it doesn’t stop there. We can also help you get to long-term stability through case management, education and resources so this does not happen again.
This is just one of the stories that UESF comes across on a daily basis; there are so many other scenarios. We offer a variety of services like helping homeless Veterans find a home to assisting families with childcare so they can go to work. #WhatIsUESF
Join us on January 16th for our Meet & Greet Landlord Luncheon. All landlords that have rental properties in the Philadelphia area and have a current license are welcome. Call our Housing Specialist at 215.814.0331 for more information.
We received an anonymous donation of $1, every dollar we receive can help towards stabilizing a household:) #everydollarcounts
A 7th grader who started his own business called “Hot Sauce For Heat”. A portion of his proceeds help pay the heating bills for people in need. Lev came across UESF and decided to donate $1000 to help give heat to more participants during these cold months. Thank you Lev Berstein for your support, it is generous people like you who can make a big impact in communities.
Check out our new UESF Veterans Program digital display at Dilworth Plaza City Hall – it’s huge! It’s sure to help a lot of Veterans get the assistance they need. — at Dilworth Park.