Self-Sufficiency Workshops

UESF’s ongoing series of educational sessions offered virtual or in person is designed to instill helpful knowledge as well as a sense of responsibility to help keep families in their homes.  

Virtual Calendar: (to join see zoom link below)

Workshop Descriptions

BASIC BUDGETING – The focus of this workshop is to help participants set personal and financial goals to maintain their households and learn how to save money. Participants learn the importance of living on a budget, how to create a budget, set spending/savings goals and manage money responsibly. They also learn banking basics –types of accounts, banking management tools, the value of banking services vs. check cashing establishments, savings strategies, and how to protect themselves from identity theft and other scams. Obtaining and keeping good credit is also discussed. Our goal is to change the way participants think about money.

HOW TO SAVE MONEY ON YOUR UTILITY BILLS – This workshop addresses the resources available to low-income families who are having difficulty paying their utility bills. Participants are taught how to read and understand their utility bills and how to determine if they are eligible for assistance programs including LIHEAP Cash and Crisis programs, PECO’s Customer Assistance Program (CAP), PGW’s Customer Responsibility Program (CRP) the Water Revenue Assistance Program (WRAP) and other programs. Information is also presented to help families lower energy usage. This workshop teaches “do-it-yourself” techniques to conserve energy throughout the year.

TENANT / HOMEOWNER RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES – This workshop help tenants and homeowners understand their rights and responsibilities. Participants will learn how to conduct an effective rental search, facts and security deposits, leases and tenant / landlord laws, including the City’s eviction process. Also discussed (for homeowners) are facts about foreclosures and mortgage assistance.

TANF TO EMPLOYMENT – Moving from “welfare” to work often brings its own set of challenges with it, as previous benefits (SNAP, childcare) can be cut back or lost, and starting wages may not cover all household expenses. This workshop helps participants realistically compare living on TANF vs employment income, embrace full-time employment as a path to improved housing stability, and connect to benefits they can still receive along with their job-related income.

PROFESSIONALISM – This workshop defines the concept of professionalism, and how adopting professional behavior can help to both obtain and retain employment. Participants will learn what professionalism looks like, discuss examples of good workplace etiquette and effective communication, and will understand the difference between appropriate and inappropriate workplace attire.

CAREER GOAL PLANNING – For individuals entering the workforce for the first time, or making a career change, this workshop offers tools to help them accomplish their goals. Participants learn about the difference between a “job” and a “career”, learn and practice realistic goal setting, define their strengths and understand how to focus on them in career planning, and develop a planning guide to help them through the process.

Join virtual sessions on zoom:

*Will conduct telephone workshops for those participants unable to connect with Zoom!

Lashawna Reddy is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: UESF Workshops
Time: See Calendar for Date and time.

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Meeting ID: 984 9687 5349
Passcode: V5zHA2—

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, contact:
215.814.6839  |

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