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UESF Awarded Home4Good Grant to Help Ready for Release Incarcerated Veterans Stabilize Housing

(Dec 14, 2018) Utility Emergency Services Fund (UESF) has been awarded $223,470 from FHLBank Pittsburgh and PHFA for the Home4Good Funding Award to go towards initiatives that targets homelessness in Pennsylvania.

UESF’s new program will provide housing and supportive services to homeless Veterans released from the PA Prison System within the past year who are ineligible for our current Veterans program.  The supportive services will provide long-term Intensive case management, a housing stability plan, self-sufficient workshops, job placement, internal referrals to our other programs and a matrix system that will track progress throughout the enrollment of the program.

“We have been helping our veteran community since 2013 with our SSVF Program, this is the logical next step to allow us to expand our service to this community.” said John Rowe, UESF Executive Director. “We are grateful FHL Bank Pittsburgh and PHFA placed their confidence in our credibility to help us continue to further battle the homelessness problem among Philadelphia’s Veterans.”

Veterans in need of assistance or organizations interested in referring Veterans to UESF can contact UESF’s Veterans hotline at (215) 814-6888.

About UESF: Established in 1983 as the City’s go to organization for emergency utility assistance, UESF has since expanded its focus to address the broader housing issues facing low income Philadelphians. Today, UESF manages 8 housing stabilization-focused programs, and serves nearly 7000 families annually with nearly $3 million in housing assistance—to keep families in their homes.  

(National Press Release)

HARRISBURG, Pa., Dec. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — FHLBank Pittsburgh and the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA) announced today the 2018 Home4Good funding awarded to programs across the state working to reduce homelessness.  This year, FHLBank Pittsburgh provided $3 million toward the effort, and PHFA provided $1.5 million, for a total contribution of $4.5 million.

“FHLBank is privileged to partner with PHFA and our member institutions to provide these much-needed funds to 49 programs working to end homelessness in Pennsylvania,” said Winthrop Watson, FHLBank’s President and Chief Executive Officer.

Home4Good was created by FHLBank Pittsburgh and is being administered by PHFA. The funding announced today is being distributed as grants to organizations that help individuals retain or find housing, provide supportive services to those facing homelessness or address other unmet needs within the existing homeless provider network.

Distribution of the funding in most counties is being overseen by local Continuum of Care organizations. The list of funding recipients is provided below.

“PHFA is pleased to be a part of this effort to reduce homelessness in Pennsylvania,” said PHFA Executive Director and CEO Brian A. Hudson Sr. “There is no single program that alone can end homelessness in the state. That’s why Home4Good is funding a variety of different programs that together should make real progress getting people off the streets and into housing.”

Information about Home4Good is available at, and at at the bottom of the homepage, under “Resources.” Organizations interested in future participation in the program can contact Kate Swanson at or Bryce Maretzki at for details.


Building Community – Block by Block

UESF will be attending Councilman Curtis Jones, Jr. Block Captain Boot Camp event coming up on May 4th. The event will include education workshops such as: Block Captain 101, Financial Literacy & Emergency Preparedness.


Support from our Board of Directors

Jasmine Eaddy, Treasurer on our Board is helping spread the word by wearing our UESF hat. We are committed to helping low income Philadelphians’ stay in their homes.


Bridges out of Poverty

All staff training today. Great information and encouragement that we can provide to our participants to help break the cycle of poverty in communities.


Is that Wendell Smallwood?

Dorothy Owens our Housing Specialist was attending the Financial Wellness Event today and ran into Eagles running back #28 Wendell Smallwood. The event is being held at 1901 Vine Street from 9am to 3pm. Stop by!!!


UESF Video is coming

For the last month, UESF has been working with a production team to put together a video to help increase awareness about UESF. Director of Housing Stabilization Regina Clark was having fun getting interviewed by the production crew.


Furlough Assistance Program

UESF has partnered with United Way to create an assistance program for individuals who live in Philadelphia recently impacted by government shutdown. Call 215-814-6841/46 or email to get more information on our Furlough Workers Assistance Program.


The Utility Fair continues…

Successful day at the Utility Fair, Keysha Abad, Director of Utility Grant Program & Monique Alexander, UGP Program Specialist assisted many participants with LIHEAP & Utility Grant applications!


Workshops offered at Utility Fair

On March 6th at the Utility Fair, Ulyses Pratt our Workshop Facilitator educated several participants on “How to Save on your Utilities” and “Basic Budgeting”.