Are you a single mom? Do you live in a Philadelphia Shelter? Do you need a security deposit?
Are you behind on your PECO bill?
UESF has launched the College Savings Account TODAY!
UESF Awarded over $1 Million by the U. S. Department of Veteran Affairs – Award made to UESF for Seventh Consecutive Year!
(August 31, 2019) Utility Emergency Services Fund (UESF) has been awarded $1,040,402 from the U.S Department of Veteran Affairs’ Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program to stabilize housing for homeless and imminently homeless veterans in Philadelphia. “Since first receiving SSVF funding in 2013, UESF has assisted over 1200 vulnerable Veteran families stabilize their housing,”…Read More
A 20 Year Celebration
Ms. Marjorie has worked for UESF for 20 years, greeting our participants with a smile on her face! Happy Anniversary
UESF Awarded Grant to Expand our Shelter to Permanent Program
(May 22, 2019) Utility Emergency Services Fund (UESF) continues to innovate in their approach to providing a path out of Philadelphia’s homeless shelters. UESF has been working with the City of Philadelphia’s Office of Homeless Services to eliminate utility arrearages enabling Philadelphians to exit the shelters and find permanent housing. Through a generous award of…Read More
Lets take a moment today to remember those who sacrificed their lives for our country
Congrats Abir!
Today we celebrate with Abir, one of our Family Empowerment Advocates, as she is now officially a US Citizen!
UESF Awarded Home4Good Grant to Help Ready for Release Incarcerated Veterans Stabilize Housing
(Dec 14, 2018) Utility Emergency Services Fund (UESF) has been awarded $223,470 from FHLBank Pittsburgh and PHFA for the Home4Good Funding Award to go towards initiatives that targets homelessness in Pennsylvania. UESF’s new program will provide housing and supportive services to homeless Veterans released from the PA Prison System within the past year who are…Read More