The UESF Board is excited to announce that Alexander Z. Talmadge, Jr will be joining UESF as the new Executive Director starting on Monday, August 5, 2024. Alexander is an attorney by trade and a former Commissioner of Elections for the City of Philadelphia. Alex has deep connections to the city of Philadelphia leadership and…Read More
UESF Mobile Office Update
Join UESF and Representative Regina Young Office at the Free Library of Philadelphia every Tuesday starting July 2nd from 12pm to 4pm at 1935 Shunk Street to receive assistance with BenePhilly benefits and other supportive services.
This ‘furniture bank’ gives away beds, tables, and sofas to Philadelphians leaving homelessness
Today the Philadelphia Inquirer wrote an article about The Philadelphia Furniture Bank. UESF has been partnering with them for over 6 years to help our participants furnish their new homes after exiting homelessness. Check out this article to read all about this great organization: The Philadelphia Furniture Bank
UESF supported Right to Counsel
UESF was behind the scenes in getting Right to Counsel passed. This is great news for Philadelphians and we’ll keep working to make eviction a thing of the past.”
The Leaky Tap and the Butterfly Wing
People often talk about how social change can start with the single flutter of a butterfly’s wing: one little thing can lead to a chain reaction of massive change. At UESF, but we have our own butterfly’s wing: a single drip from a tap. We got our start back in 1983 with a contract to…Read More
UESF Scales Efficiently as Funding Doubles During COVID
UESF is always looking for more efficient and reliable ways to get the financial need to the community, Sage Intacct, Inc. was there to help! Read the blog: Click Here
Keeping our participants warm!
The Philadelphia Citizen wrote a great article about UESF focusing on our Oil program and Utility Grant Program to help keep Philadelphians warm:) CLICK HERE to check it out
Phase 2 Rental Assistance
Help with rent for Philadelphia residents affected by COVID-19. APPLICATION DEADLINE: September 30th
GENERAL: COVID 19 Updates: Guide to reopening: Food Sites: FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Workers Relief Fund: Homeowners & Renter Assistance: Free & Affordable Internet: MISCELLANEOUS: COVID-19 benefits Guide: Parks & Recreation Green Phase: Park Finder: