Those who serve our country often return to challenges that can threaten housing stability. UESF works with Veterans and Veteran families who are experiencing homelessness or are at imminent risk of losing their homes. Our range of services helps them acquire the resources to become stable.
Using a housing-first case management model, UESF provides services including housing acquisition and landlord negotiation, VA benefit assistance, mainstream benefits, legal assistance referrals, self-sufficiency education, and temporary financial assistance when needed.
For more information, please contact UESF’s Veterans’ Program at 215-814-6888.
To be eligible, individuals and families must:
- Be a Veteran or a family member in which head of household or spouse of head of household is a Veteran. An eligible Veteran is a person that served active duty in the US Military/Armed Forces. Reservists and Guardsmen are not eligible unless activated under presidential order.
- Have received a discharge status that states anything other than dishonorably discharged.
- Have an income at or below 50% of Area Median Income (to be determined at time of application).
- Be facing one of the following housing issues:
- Pending eviction from current residence;
- Homelessness – An individual or family who lacks a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence and is living in places such as: car, park, abandoned building, bus or train station, airport or camping ground, shelter, transitional housing or exiting an institution where he or she temporarily resided.
For more information or to find out if you qualify, contact:
215.814.6888 |
Check your eligibility
Take a screening test to find out how we can help you.